Lin coined the skewed Jensen-Shannon divergence between two distributions in 1991, and further extended it to the Jensen-Shannon diversity of a set of distributions. Sibson proposed the information radius based on Rényi α-entropies in 1969, and recovered for the special case of α = 1 the Jensen-Shannon diversity index. In this note, we summarize how the Jensen-Shannon divergence and diversity index were extended by either considering skewing vectors or using mixtures induced by generic means.
Let (,
,μ) be a measure space, and (w1,P1),…,(wn,Pn) be n weighted probability measures dominated
by a measure μ (with wi > 0 and ∑
wi = 1). Denote by
:= {(w1,p1),…,(wn,pn)} the set of their
weighted Radon-Nikodym densities pi =
with respect to μ.
A statistical divergence D[p : q] is a measure of dissimilarity between two densities p and q (i.e., a
2-point distance) such that D[p : q] ≥ 0 with equality if and only if p(x) = q(x) μ-almost everywhere. A
statistical diversity index D() is a measure of variation of the weighted densities in
related to a
measure of centrality, i.e., a n-point distance which generalizes the notion of 2-point distance when
2(p,q) := {(
The fundamental measure of dissimilarity in information theory is the I-divergence (also called the Kullback-Leibler divergence, KLD, see Equation (2.5) page 5 of [5]):
The KLD is asymmetric (hence the delimiter notation “:” instead of ‘,’) but can be symmetrized by defining the Jeffreys J-divergence (Jeffreys divergence, denoted by I2 in Equation (1) in 1946’s paper [4]):
Although symmetric, any positive power of Jeffreys divergence fails to satisfy the triangle inequality: That is, DJα is never a metric distance for any α > 0, and furthermore DJα cannot be upper bounded.
In 1991, Lin proposed the asymmetric K-divergence (Equation (3.2) in [7]):
and defined the L-divergence by analogy to Jeffreys’s symmetrization of the KLD (Equation (3.4) in [7]):
By noticing that
where h denotes Shannon entropy (Equation (3.14) in [7]), Lin coined the (skewed) Jensen-Shannon divergence between two weighted densities (1 - α,p) and (α,q) for α ∈ (0,1) as follows (Equation (4.1) in [7]):
(1) |
Finally, Lin defined the generalized Jensen-Shannon divergence (Equation (5.1) in [7]) for a finite weighted set of densities:
This generalized Jensen-Shannon divergence is nowadays called the Jensen-Shannon diversity index.
To contrast with the Jeffreys’ divergence, the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) DJS := DJS, is upper
bounded by log 2 (does not require the densities to have the same support), and
is a metric
distance [2, 3]. Lin cited precursor work [17, 8] yielding definition of the Jensen-Shannon divergence:
The Jensen-Shannon divergence of Eq. 1 is the so-called “increments of entropy” defined in (19) and (20)
of [17].
The Jensen-Shannon diversity index was also obtained very differently by Sibson in 1969 when he
defined the information radius [16] of order α using Rényi α-means and Rényi α-entropies [15]. In
particular, the information radius IR1 of order 1 of a weighted set of densities is a diversity index
obtained by solving the following variational optimization problem:
(2) |
Sibson solved a more general optimization problem, and obtained the following expression (term K1 in Corollary 2.3 [16]):
Thus Eq. 2 is a variational definition of the Jensen-Shannon divergence.
The K-divergence of Lin can be skewed with a scalar parameter α ∈ (0,1) to give
(3) |
Skewing parameter α was first studied in [6] (2001, see Table 2 of [6]). We proposed to unify the Jeffreys divergence with the Jensen-Shannon divergence as follows (Equation 19 in [9]):
(4) |
When α = , we have DK,
J = DJS, and when α = 1, we get DK,1J =
Notice that
amounts to calculate
denotes the cross-entropy. By choosing α = β, we have h×[(1-β)p+βq : (1-α)p+αq] = h[(1-α)p+αq], and thus recover the skewed Jensen-Shannon divergence of Eq. 1.
In [11] (2020), we considered a positive skewing vector α ∈ [0,1]k and a unit positive weight w belonging to the standard simplex Δk, and defined the following vector-skewed Jensen-Shannon divergence:
Unfortunately, the JSD between two Gaussian densities is not known in closed form because of the definite integral of a log-sum term (i.e., K-divergence between a density and a mixture density ). For the special case of the Cauchy family, a closed-form formula [14] for the JSD between two Cauchy densities was obtained. Thus we may choose a geometric mixture distribution [10] instead of the ordinary arithmetic mixture . More generally, we can choose any weighted mean Mα (say, the geometric mean, or the harmonic mean, or any other power mean) and define a generalization of the K-divergence of Equation 3:
(7) |
is a statistical M-mixture with ZMα(p,q) denoting the normalizing coefficient:
so that ∫ (pq)Mα(x)dμ(x) = 1. These M-mixtures are well-defined provided the convergence of the definite integrals.
Then we define a generalization of the JSD [10] termed (Mα,Nβ)-Jensen-Shannon divergence as follows:
(8) |
where Nβ is yet another weighted mean to average the two Mα-K-divergences. We have
DJS = DJSA,A where A(a,b) = is the arithmetic mean. The geometric JSD yields a closed-form
formula between two multivariate Gaussians, and has been used in deep learning [1]. More
generally, we may consider the Jensen-Shannon symmetrization of an arbitrary distance D
(9) |
(10) |
When Sw = Aw (with Aw(a1,…,an) = ∑ i=1nwiai the arithmetic weighted mean), we recover the ordinary Jensen-Shannon diversity index. More generally, we define the S-Jensen-Shannon index of an arbitrary distance D as
(11) |
When n = 2, this yields a Jensen-Shannon-symmetrization of distance D.
The variational optimization defining the JSD can also be constrained to a (parametric) family of
densities , thus defining the (S,
)-relative Jensen-Shannon diversity index:
(12) |
The relative Jensen-Shannon divergences are useful for clustering applications: Let pθ1 and pθ2 be
two densities of an exponential family with cumulant function F(θ). Then the
Jensen-Shannon divergence is the Bregman information of
2(p,q) for the conjugate function
F*(η) = -h[pθ] (with η = ∇F(θ)). The
-relative JSD amounts to a Jensen divergence for
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