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Visual Computing: Geometry, Graphics, and Vision.

Frank Nielsen, Charles River Media / Thomson Delmar Learning, August 2005.

ISBN: 1-58450-427-7, Retail price 59.95 USD (currently discounted at at 35 USD, as of August 23rd 2005)

Hard cover, xiv+560 pages, 8-page color insert, 50+ C++ source codes (some in OpenGL®)

Rationale: [Information Tip Sheet]

Visual Computing: Geometry, Graphics, and Vision is a concise introduction to common notions, methodologies, data structures and algorithmic techniques arising in the mature fields of computer graphics, computer vision, and computational geometry. The central goal of the book is to provide a global and unified view of the rich interdisciplinary visual computing field that encompasses traditional computer graphics, computer vision, and computational geometry. The book is targeted at undergraduate students, and gaming or graphics professionals. Lectures in computer graphics/vision may find this textbook complementary and valuable. The book aims at broadening and fostering readers' knowledge of essential 3D techniques by providing a sizeable overall picture and describing essential concepts. Throughout the book, appropriate real world applications are covered to illustrate the use and generate an interest in adjacent fields. The book also provides concise C++ codes for common tasks that should be compelling to a broad audience of practitioners.

Table of Contents (TOC in PDF)

Foreword by Prof. L. J. Guibas
  1. Introduction
  2. Abstract Data Structures
  3. Coordinate Pipelines
  4. Images
  5. Meshes
  6. Animation
  7. Randomization (sample chapter in PDF)
  8. Higher Dimensions for 3D
  9. Robustness

List of abbreviations
Credits and acknowledgements
Bibliography in PDF

Official Web site including source codes, related materials and list of errata or corrections:
(1st Ed., August 2005)
Home Page at Charles River Media / Thomson Delmar Learning Inc.

Mirror copy at my home page

Ordering the book online:



    author = "Frank Nielsen",
    title = "Visual Computing: Geometry, Graphics, and Vision",
    year = "2005",
    publisher = "Charles River Media / Thomson Delmar Learning"
    url = ""
    isbn = "1-58450-427-7"}

Front and back cover pages:
Visual Computing front cover page Visual Computing back cover page