This note describes how to kernelize Badoiu and Clarkson’s algorithm [1] to compute approximations of the smallest enclosing balls in the feature space induced by a kernel.
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Let = {p1,…,pn} be a finite point set. In ℝd, the Smallest Enclosing Ball (SEB) SEB(
) with radius r(SEB(
)) is
fully determined by s points of
lying on the boundary sphere [15, 9], with 2 ≤ s ≤ d + 1 (assuming general
position with no d + 2 cospherical points). Computing efficiently the SEB in finite dimensional space has been
thoroughly investigated in computational geometry [5].
A (1 + ϵ)-approximation of the SEB is a ball covering with radius (1 + ϵ)r(SEB(
)). A simple iterative
approximation algorithm [1] (BC algorithm) proceeds iteratively as follows: Set c(0) = p1 and update the current
center as
In machine learning, one is interested in defining the data domain [13]. For example, this is useful for anomaly
detection that can be performed by checking whether a new point belongs to the domain (inlier) or not (outlier).
The Support Vector Data Description [13, 14] (SVDD) defines the domain of data by computing an enclosing ball
in the feature space induced by a given kernel k(⋅,⋅) (e.g., polynomial or Gaussian kernels). The Support Vector
Clustering [3] (SVC) further builds on the enclosing feature ball to retrieve clustering in the data
Let k(⋅,⋅) be a kernel [12] so that k(x,y) = ⟨Φ(x),Φ(y)⟩ (kernel trick) for a feature map Φ(x) : ℝd → ℝD, where
⟨⋅,⋅⟩ denotes the inner product in the Hilbert feature space F. Denote by = {ϕ1,…,ϕn} the corresponding feature
vectors in F, with ϕi = Φ(pi). SVDD (and SVC) needs to compute SEB(
We can kernelize the BC algorithm [1] by maintaining an implicit representation of the feature center φ = ∑ i=1nαiϕi where α ∈ Δn is a normalized unit positive weight vector (with Δn denoting the (n- 1)-dimensional probability simplex). The distance between the feature center φ = ∑ iαiϕ(pi) = ∑ iαiϕi and a feature point ϕ(p) is calculated as follows:
Therefore at iteration i, the farthest distance of the current center φi to a point of in the feature space can be
computed using the implicit feature center representation: maxj∈[d]∥φi - ϕ(pj)∥. Denote by fi the index of the
farthest point in F. Then we update the implicit representation of the feature center by updating the weight vector
α as follows:
Observe that at iteration i, at most i + 1 coordinates of α are non-zero (sparse implicit representation), so that
the maximum distance of the center to the point set can be computed via Eq. 2 in O(ni2). Thus it
follows that the kernelized BC algorithm costs overall O(
)-time. The proof of the approximation
quality of the BC algorithm relies on the Pythagoras’s theorem [6, 7] that holds in finite-dimensional
Hilbert spaces. Although we used an implicit feature map Φ (e.g., Gaussian kernel feature map), we can
approximate feature maps by finite-dimensional feature maps using the randomized Fourier feature maps
This note is closely related to the work [4] where the authors compute a feature SEB for each class of data (points having the same label), and perform classification using the Voronoi diagrams defined on the feature (approximated) circumcenters.
Notice that the choice of the kernel for SVDD/SVC is important since the feature SEB has at most D + 1 support vectors (without outliers) in general position, where D is the dimension of the feature space. Thus for a polynomial kernel, the number of support vectors is bounded (and so is the number of clusters retrieved using SVC). Another byproduct of the kernelized BC algorithm is that it proves that the feature circumcenter is contained in the convex hull of the feature vectors (since α encodes a convex combination of the feature vectors).
The feature map of the polynomial kernel kP(x,y) = a (with c ≥ 0) is finite-dimensional (F = ℝD
with D =
). For a = 2, we get the explicit feature map:
The feature map ΦG(x) of the Gaussian kernel kG(x,y) = exp(-γ∥x - y∥2) (Radial Basis Function, RBF) is infinite-dimensional (D = ∞):
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