Chapter 5: Meshes.
- osculatingcircle.cpp: An interactive demo of osculating circles used to define a parametric curve curvature. Require OpenGL(R)
snapshot PNG.
- spheresubdivision.cpp: Approximating the sphere by a subdivision mesh. Start from the icosahedron base mesh and iteratively refine the subdivision.
Require OpenGL(R).
snapshot level 2 PNG,
snapshot level 4PNG.
- Quad-dominant remeshing of the Stanford bunny in OFF file format (courtesy of Marinov).
The original bunny model is available from Stanford university. Here is the file.
- Anisotropic remeshing of the Stanford bunny in OFF file format (courtesy of Alliez).
- bunny-conformal.obj: Conformal parameterization of the Stanford bunny in OBJ file format (courtesy of Degener).
- bunny-authalic.obj: Authalic/Conformal (obtained by a minimizing some tradeoff criterion) parameterization of the Stanford bunny in OBJ file format (courtesy of Alliez).
The 3D object converter shareware can display and convert numerous mesh formats.
The bunny 3D model is courtesy of (c) The Stanford 3D scanning repository, Marc Levoy.
Last updated, May 2005.