SPIGL Proceedings
Updated: March 2021.
Joint Structures and Common Foundation of Statistical Physics, Information Geometry and Inference for Learning (SPIGL)
We shall edit the SPIGL Les Houches 2020 proceedings of revised contributions as follows
- Editors: Frederic Barbaresco and Frank Nielsen
- collection
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
- Please use the following templates:
Submit your chapter submission to Easychair as follows:
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to nielsen@lix.polytechnique.fr (CC: frederic.barbaresco@thalesgroup.com)
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- Deliver to springer: 30th April 2021
- Available : Summer 2021
(before GSI 2021)

The tentative table of contents is
Preface - Joint Structures and Common Foundations of Statistical Physics, Information Geometry and Inference for Learning
- F. Barbaresco & F. Nielsen
- Part 1 : Stochastics Dynamics and Inference for Learning
- Langevin Dynamics: Old and News – Eric Moulines
- Geometry of Measure-Preserving Flows and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo - Alessandro Barp
- Sampling and statistical physics via symmetry - Steve Huntsman
- Learning Physics from Data - Francisco Chinesta
- Deep Learning as Optimal Control - Elena Celledoni
- A Geometric Interpretation of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Deep Learning and Bolzmann Machines - Rita Fioresi and Pratik Chaudhari
- Bayesian Inference on Local Distributions of Functions and Multi-dimensional Curves with Spherical HMC Sampling - Anis Fradi and Chafik Samir
- Material modeling via Thermodynamics-based Artificial Neural Networks - Filippo Masi Ioannis Stefanou, Paolo Vannucci, Victor Maffi-Berthier
- Hard Shape-Constrained Kernel Regression - Pierre-Cyril Aubin-Frankowski and Zoltán Szabó
- Learning with Few Labeled Data - Pratik Chaudhari
- Part 2: Statistical Physics, Riemannian and Lie Groups Models for Statistics and Learning
- Souriau-Casimir Lie Groups Thermodynamics & Machine Learning – Frédéric Barbaresco
- Covariant Momentum Map Thermodynamics - Goffredo Chirco
- Exponential Family by Representation Theory - Koichi Tojo
- Wrapped statistical models on SE(n): motivation challenges and generalization to symmetric spaces - Emmanuel Chevallier and Nicolas Guigui
- Information Geometry and Integrable Systems - Jean-Pierre Françoise
- A Hyperbolic approach for learning communities on graphs - Hatem Hajri, Thomas Gerald and Hadi Zaatiti
- Geomstats: A Python Package for Geometry in Machine Learning and Information Geometry - Nina Miolane, Nicolas Guigui1, Alice Le Brigant, Hadi Zaatiti, Hatem Hajri, Yann Thanwerdas, Yann Cabanes, Paul Chauchat, Daniel Brooks, Xavier Pennec & al
- Fast High-order Tensor Learning Based on Grassmann Manifold - O.Karmouda, R.Boyer and J.Boulanger
- Part 3: Information Geometry and Natural Gradient Inference
- On statistical distances and information geometry for ML – Frank Nielsen
- Information Manifold modeled with Orlicz Spaces – Giovanni Pistone
- Diffeological Fisher Metric - Hông Vân Lê
- Information Geometry and Quantum Fields - Kevin Grosvenor
- Mechanics of the probability simplex - Luigi Malagò
- Calibrating Bayesian Neural Networks with Alpha-divergences and Normalizing Flows - Hector J. Hortua, Luigi Malago and Riccardo Volpi
- Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on the Simplex --- Goffredo Chirco, Luigi Malago, Giovanni Pistone
- Constraint-Based Regularization of Neural Networks - Benedict Leimkuhler, Timothée Pouchon, Tiffany Vlaar, Amos Storkey
- Part 4: Geometric Structures of Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
- Gallilean Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Continua - Géry de Saxcé
- A variational perspective of closed and open systems - François Gay-Balmaz
- Dirac structures in nonequilibrium thermodynamics - Hiroaki Yoshimura
- Geometry of non-equilibrium thermodynamics: a homogeneous symplectic approach - Arjan van der Schaft, Bernhard Maschke
- Port-thermodynamic systems’ control - Arjan van der Schaft
- Contact geometry and thermodynamical systems - Manuel de León
- Computational dynamics of reduced coupled multibodyfluid system in Lie group setting - Zdravko Terze
- Part 5: « Structure des Systèmes Dynamiques » (SSD) Jean-Marie Souriau’s book 50th Birthday
- Souriau Familly & « Structure of motion »: Jean-Marie Souriau, Michel Souriau, Paul Souriau & Etienne Souriau– Frédéric Barbaresco
- SSD Jean-Marie Souriau’s book 50th birthday - Géry de Saxcé
Last updated, March 2021 by Frank Nielsen.