Marcel-Paul Schützenberger (Marco)
Page wikipedia
- MPS first reported Pinsker' sinequality:
M. P. Schützenberger: Contribution aux applications statistiques de la théorie de
l’information, vol. 3, No 1–2. Institut de statistique de l’Université de Paris (1954)
Thèse de doctorat (1953)
- MPS gave first the Bayesian Cramér–Rao bound(BCRB):
M. P. Schützenberger. A generalization of the Fréchet–Cramér inequality in the case of
Bayes estimation. Bull. Am. Math. Soc., 63(142), 1957.
- Book "Triangle of Thoughts" by by Alain Connes, André Lichnerowicz, Marcel Paul Schützenberger (AMS 2001), translated from the french edition
"Triangle de pensées" (Odile Jacob)
- MPS colloque, Bordeaux, 2016.
Check the slides<\A>!
- Site dedicated to Marcel-Paul Schützenberger (in french)