A Simple Approximation Method for the Fisher-Rao Distance between Multivariate Normal Distributions

Frank Nielsen


Run video full screen to see the difference between Fisher-Rao geodesics (black, computationally time-consuming using geodesic shooting) and our proposed projected SPD geodesic curve which can be calculated fast (green). https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/25/4/654

Geodesic shooting from standard normal with initial value conditions

1 The Fisher-Rao distance

Let (d) denote the set of symmetric positive?definite (SPD) d×d matrices and N(d) denote the set of multivariate normal distributions:

        {            d2   - 1   (  1      ⊤  -1      )                   d      }
N (d) := pμ,Σ (x) = (2π)  |Σ| 2 exp - 2(x- μ ) Σ  (x- μ)   : (μ,Σ) ∈ Λ (d) := ℝ × ℙ(d) ,

The Fisher-Rao distance between two normals N(μ1,Σ1) and N(μ2,Σ2) is the geodesic Riemannian distance on the manifold (N,gFisher) induced by the Fisher information metric:

ρN (N(λ1),N (λ2)) :=  inc(ft)  {Length(c)},


           ∫ 1
Length(c) :=    dsFisher(c(t))dt,

and dsFisher(t) := ∘ ⟨˙c(t), ˙c(t)⟩c(t) is the Fisher-Rao length element. The inner product v1,v2N for v1,v2 TNN at normal N is the called the Fisher-Rao norm (with tangent planes TNN is identified to d × Sym(d) where Sym(d) be the set of d × d symmetric matrices). The statistical model N(d) is of dimension m = dim(Λ(d)) = d + d(d+1)
  2 = d(d+3)
  2 and identifiable: there is a one-to-one correspondence λ pλ(x) between λ Λ(d) and N(μ,Σ) N(d).

However, in the general case, the Fisher-Rao distance between normals is not known in closed form.

2 Isometric embedding into the higher-dimensional SPD cone

Calvo and Oller show how to embed N(μ,Σ) N(d) = {                                     }
 P¯= fβ(μ,Σ) : (μ,Σ) ∈ N (d) = ℝd × P(d) into a SPD matrix of (d + 1):

              [       ⊤     ]
P¯(N) = f(N ) =  Σ +⊤ μμ    μ
                μ         1

so that the manifold (N(d),gFisher) is isometrically embedded into the submanifold (N,gtrace) of the cone equipped with the trace metric

 trace          1    -1   -1
gP   (P1,P2) := 2tr(P   P1P  P2).

However, the submanifold N(d + 1) is not totally geodesic. Thus Calvo and Oller  derived a lower bound on the Fisher-Rao distance:

             ∘--┌│ ------------------
               1│∘ 1 ∑d   2     -1
ρCO(N1,N2) =   2  2    log  λi(P¯1  ¯P2)

which is also metric distance.

3 A simple approximation method

Our method consists in projecting the SPD geodesic γ(d+1)(P1-1P2) onto N and then maps back the SPD projected curve into N by using f-1:

               - 1(             - 1    )
cCO(N1,N2;t) = f   projN-(γℙ(d+1)(¯P1 P¯2;t)) .

Indeed, the geodesic γ(d+1)(P1-1P2) has closed-form equation

                 1 ( - 1   - 1)t 1
γℙ(d+1)(¯P-11P¯2) = ¯P21  ¯P1 2¯P2 ¯P1 2 ¯P21 .

Now, we need to estimate the Fisher-Rao length of the curve cCO(N1,N2;t) by discretizing the curve at T positions:

                      ( (   )  (     ))
              1-T∑-1       i-     i+-1
ρ˜CO (N1, N2) ≤ T    ρN  c  T  ,c   T     ,

and approximate for nearby normals their Fisher-Rao distances by the square root of their Jeffreys divergence:

   (  (  )   (     ))   ∘ ---[-(--)---(-----)]-
ρ    c -i  ,c i+-1    ≈   D   c  i- ,c i-+1   ,
 N     T        T          J     T       T


                      (  -1      -1      )             -1    -1
D [p      : p    ] = tr Σ-2-Σ1 +-Σ-1-Σ2 - I + (μ - μ )⊤ Σ1-+-Σ-2-(μ - μ ).
 J  (μ1,Σ1)   (μ2,Σ2)             2               2   1       2      2   1


The projection of a SPD matrix P (d + 1) onto N is done as follows: Let β = Pd+1,d+1 and write P = [              ]
  Σ+ βμ μ⊤  βμ
  βμ⊤       β. Then the orthogonal projection at P P onto N is:

                 [             ]
 ¯       --       Σ + μμ⊤   μ⊤
P ⊥ := projN (P) = μ         1   ,

and the SPD distance between P and P is

ρP(P, ¯P⊥) = √1-|logβ|.


Here are some examples of the curves cCO (in green) compared to the Fisher-Rao geodesics (in black):



More details and quantitative analysis: https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/25/4/654