Let ℙ(d) denote the set of symmetric positive?definite (SPD) d×d matrices and (d) denote the set of multivariate normal distributions:
The Fisher-Rao distance between two normals N(μ1,Σ1) and N(μ2,Σ2) is the geodesic Riemannian distance on the manifold (,gFisher) induced by the Fisher information metric:
and dsFisher(t) := c(t) is the Fisher-Rao length element. The inner product ⟨v1,v2⟩N for v1,v2 ∈ TN at normal N is the called the Fisher-Rao norm (with tangent planes TN is identified to ℝd × Sym(d) where Sym(d) be the set of d × d symmetric matrices). The statistical model (d) is of dimension m = dim(Λ(d)) = d + = and identifiable: there is a one-to-one correspondence λ ↔ pλ(x) between λ ∈ Λ(d) and N(μ,Σ) ∈(d).
where Δ(a,b;c,d) = is a Möbius distance and arctanh(u) := log for 0 ≤ u < 1. The Fisher-Rao geodesics are semi-ellipses with centers located on the x-axis:
where ΔΣ is the Mahalanobis distance:
However, in the general case, the Fisher-Rao distance between normals is not known in closed form.
Calvo and Oller show how to embed N(μ,Σ) ∈(d) = into a SPD matrix of ℙ(d + 1):
so that the manifold ((d),gFisher) is isometrically embedded into the submanifold (,gtrace) of the cone equipped with the trace metric
However, the submanifold ⊂ ℙ(d + 1) is not totally geodesic. Thus Calvo and Oller derived a lower bound on the Fisher-Rao distance:
which is also metric distance.
Our method consists in projecting the SPD geodesic γℙ(d+1)(1-12) onto and then maps back the SPD projected curve into by using f-1:
Indeed, the geodesic γℙ(d+1)(1-12) has closed-form equation
Now, we need to estimate the Fisher-Rao length of the curve cCO(N1,N2;t) by discretizing the curve at T positions:
and approximate for nearby normals their Fisher-Rao distances by the square root of their Jeffreys divergence:
The projection of a SPD matrix P ∈ ℙ(d + 1) onto is done as follows: Let β = Pd+1,d+1 and write P = . Then the orthogonal projection at P ∈ onto is:
and the SPD distance between P and ⊥ is
Here are some examples of the curves cCO (in green) compared to the Fisher-Rao geodesics (in black):
More details and quantitative analysis: https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/25/4/654